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To enhance the feeling of anal sex, you may buy any anal sex toys. Indeed, your ass can’t like only one toy. It likes to try new types or sizes. But before you can pursue new thrills, you need to stretch the anus. In this case, you need to buy an Expanding Butt Plug or Locking Butt Plug. And In your anal sex, this Expandable Butt Plug will surely play an important role. In fact, only a big guy can give you unparalleled sexual stimulation. Before you start all, you need anal training.

Usually, an anal sex lover always likes to try different sizes of anal sex toys. But the anus sometimes can’t handle the large size. Until then, people should try this Expanding Butt Plug first. This is a sex toy that expands the anus. Mainly to train the anal sphincter. It is shaped like a petal. Anyway, if you don’t want to enlarge your anus and experience the thrill of sex, then you probably don’t need it. But if you’re an avid anal sex lover, it’s a must.

In fact, people also call Expanding Butt Plug as Locking Butt Plug or Expandable Butt Plug. Such anal sex toys are usually made of silicone or metal. And it’s smooth. Of course, it is well known that extended anal might be the future indeed. The former anal plugs were just routine. People don’t like anal sex without anything new.

If you’ve ever experienced the sensation of inserting a petal into your anus, then you probably don’t need another sex toy. Think about whether you occasionally ripped open your anus with both hands. Well now, there are special anal extension tools. And this toy is close to the skin. Apply some lube. Then focus. Start enjoying the sensation of anal fullness. This is another kind of sexual pleasure.

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